The commoditisation of many legal products and the accelerating pace at which legal resources and processes are being digitalised means that the ability of lawyers to create value is increasingly a function of: sector expertise, identifying change early, optimal allocation of legal risk, the discriminating use of legal tech, collaboration, and the opening up of networks.
Our mission is to be a premier insurgent legal services provider creating value for clients in the energy and infrastructure space - we want to be creative, connect the dots, and facilitate outcomes.

Our clients include buyers, sellers, developers, and publicly, privately and state-owned companies, we regularly advise:
- on English law governed M&A and project finance;
- as international M&A / Projects counsel (partnering with top-tier independent firms for local law input);
- on German M&A and project finance; and
- German project development and regulatory work.
Our network covers firms in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Romania, and the UAE.
Advisory Models
Hargrove on its own
Hargrove Umbrella (extended team)
(including collaboration partners)
Clear advantages over a traditional international law firm structure include:
Partner led teams
Disentangled organisational and cost structures
No referral constraints
No conflicts
Magic circle quality
Germany has excellent boutique legal practices that within their specialisms are at least at eye level with equivalents within the practice groups of international law firms.

Hargrove is guided by principles of integrity, this includes implementing and regularly reviewing policies that relate to the environmental, social, and governance (ESG). We are increasingly being sensitised to further issues around ESG by clients including by being asked to take a broader approach to the supply chain of targets. ESG themes play an important role in selecting our collaboration partners.
ESG related internal policies include:
our legal work is almost exclusively focussed on supporting renewable energy and de-carbonisation projects;
being a transparent and equal opportunities employer, striving, where commercially possible, to do the right thing over and above minimum regulatory requirements, we have a long established liberal home office policies intended to support the provision of a good work life balance.
moving towards a paperless office with electronic file management, an absolute minimum printing policy, and the use of recycled paper (free of bleaching agents and optical brighteners);
no bottled water policy (filtered tap water is freely available in carafes) and fruit and vegetable bowls are organic and where possible local / regional;
no flights where journey reasonably possible by train e.g. to Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Düsseldorf etc. (subject to client driven exceptions) and colleagues are strongly encouraged to cycle or use public transport for their commute; and
suppliers are where possible local / regional.